JANUARY 10, 2023
To Members and Friends:
This is just a quick update to keep you abreast of developments in Balesin.
Balesin Football Center (BFC)
This past weekend, we started playing on the FIFA-approved field at the Balesin Football Center. Fortunately, our BFC Managing Director, Darren Hartmann, owns and operates a football academy in Sinaloan, Laguna, only an hour from our shipping point of Infanta, Real in Quezon. Darren’s academy has been operating for a number of years, and he brought 24 of his players from GOM (Great Oak Manor). During the weekend, they played several practice games and quite a few members watched the game. I must say that they are quite accomplished footballers. In fact, close to world-class, in my opinion.
The youngsters were thrilled to play at our top-of-the-line football pitch at BFC. Darren tells me that the pitch is superb and compares quite favorably with the Premier League football fields in the UK. We have some 30 bunk beds in our dormitory below the grandstand, and the boys enjoyed their weekend, including of course, their tour of Balesin.
This will now be a weekly affair and all members are welcome to watch them play when they are here on future weekends.

M/Y Balesina
Our hydrofoil has arrived in Kota Kinabalu in Sabah after a month-long journey on a cargo vessel from Greece. The Greek captain and two engineers are now preparing the hydrofoil for the voyage from Kota Kinabalu to Balesin. Weather permitting, the M/Y Balesina (formerly Ilida II) should be in Balesin within the next few weeks and ready for service to Patnanungan. I can’t wait to see it!

Sea Service Between MOA and Sangley
Mike Asperin has found a fast sea craft (35 pax) that will ply this sea route soon. It appears that we will have to fly more and more from Sangley to Balesin and I wanted an alternative route of getting to and from Sangley.
Our Sangley facilities are quite adequate (in fact, quite nice). Getting to and from Sangley by car takes about an hour and can be quite an odyssey; thus, this alternative new service. This fast sea craft will take only 15-20 minutes. Mike is now making the final arrangements with the boat owner. We will let you know when we will start operations.
CESSNA 12-Seater
Since acquiring our two Cessna Grand Caravans several years ago, I have wondered why CAAP allowed only 9 seats. In the U.S., where it is manufactured, it is rated for 12 seats. We have revisited this issue with CAAP and we have been advised that we will soon be approved for 12 seats. This makes a huge difference for us.
Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year is early this year (January 20-22, 2023). We will have more than 500 members and guests on the island during these few days, many more than last year’s number. Balesin is looking forward to welcoming all of you to our beautiful island.
Aegle Wellness Subscription Program
We are soon launching our Aegle Wellness Subscription Program, at the incredibly low price of only Php10,000 per month. You cannot afford to pass this by, as it will help you live a few years longer! This Subscription Program is a bespoke and comprehensive wellness program that you can’t afford to miss.
Aegle Wellness Center has been in existence now for seven years. Truly, we have the best state-of-the-art equipment and wellness specialists in the country, and we have decided to make Aegle available to our dear Balesin members and their guests through this Subscription Program. I simply want all of you to enjoy good health and live many years longer!
Again, happy new year!
As Seen In